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Huyện Minh Long

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UNESCO representative acknowledges Hanoi's 20-year efforts in preserving Thang Long Imperial Citadel

On the morning of September 8, at the international scientific conference "20 years of researching, preserving and promoting the value of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long - Hanoi", an expert representative of the Organization for Education, Science and Culture The United Nations Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Vietnam and the world both applaud the efforts over the past 20 years of Hanoi city in general and the Thang Long - Hanoi Heritage Conservation Center in particular in restoring and preserving preserve this heritage site.

Speaking at the Workshop, Mr. Pham Vinh Quang, General Secretary of the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO, Director of the Department of Cultural Affairs and UNESCO, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assessed, the workshop is an important event in the series of events. event that Vietnam organized together to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.
“Just the other day, UNESCO Director-General Ms. Audrey Azoulay, speaking at the Convention Celebration in Ninh Binh emphasized, “Preservation of heritage is not a luxury. That is a prerequisite... We must place culture and heritage with the importance they deserve. We need to see cultural policies as a powerful lever for national actions, of which Vietnam is an example... Presence at today's seminar by leaders of the City Party Committee and People's Committee The city of Hanoi is a clear demonstration of the importance of the role of culture in general and the commitment to the preservation and promotion of the value of the heritage of Hanoi in particular”. Secretary of the National Committee of UNESCO Vietnam Pham Vinh Quang affirmed.

Similarly, Mr. Christian Manhart, Chief Representative of UNESCO Office in Vietnam was delighted to attend this international conference at the World Heritage Site of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long. Mr. Christian Manhart said: “The idea of ​​inviting international experts in the fields of heritage, museums and archeology arose during my first visit to the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long shortly after I arrived in Vietnam in December. last year. Here, we had a very productive discussion with leading experts on Vietnamese heritage. And the Conference became a reality today. Congratulations and thanks to the colleagues of Thang Long Heritage Conservation Center - Hanoi for organizing this conference at the right time with deep expertise."

The chief representative of the UNESCO Office in Vietnam also said that the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long proves more than 10 centuries of cultural exchanges and influences from all over Asia. Today, the layers of archaeological culture reflect the successive developments of the reigning dynasties. There are few heritage sites in the world that show such long-term continuity as the Central Monuments of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long. “There are still many layers of unexplored archeology underground. I would like to emphasize that heritage research and conservation is a very long process that requires strategic planning and execution. At the same time, priorities and areas of focus in research need to be clearly defined. The inclusion of the Central Citadel of the Imperial Citadel on the UNESCO World Heritage List is an honor that creates commitments and responsibilities. new responsibility for everyone,” said Christian Manhart.

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