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Huyện Minh Long

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Legal support for businesses

The Provincial People's Committee has issued Document No. 4104/UBND-NC to implement legal support tasks for businesses.

The statement was made according to Resolution No. 66/NQ-CP dated May 9, 2024 of the Government on the Government's action program to implement Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW dated October 10, 2023 of the Politburo on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new era.

The Provincial People's Committee requested departments, units, and district-level People's Committees, within their functions and tasks, to enhance information, dissemination, and communication about the purpose, meaning, and responsibilities of agencies, organizations, and individuals in legal support for businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, enterprises in remote areas, economically and socially difficult areas.

It emphasized clearly defining the content, tasks, and proactively implementing, providing timely information to enhance knowledge and skills for businesses in applying, implementing laws.

The Department of Justice will coordinate with the local Tax Department, Social Insurance Department, and other relevant agencies to assess the legal support needs of enterprises, particularly prioritizing small and medium-sized enterprises in remote and economically disadvantaged areas.

The ultimate goal is to provide effective legal support for these enterprises and report the results to the Ministry of Justice for further coordination and implementation of legal support programs.



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