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Huyện Minh Long

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Focus on seriously and effectively implementing the tasks of combating IUU fishing

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has requested the relevant agencies, units and localities to focus on seriously and effectively implementing the directive on combating IUU fishing to strive for the goal of removing the "Yellow Card" warning of the European Commission by October 2023.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to actively review, synthesize and evaluate the contents of working with the European Commission's Inspection Delegation in Plan No. 98/KH-UBND dated May 5, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee.

It will develop a content plan to work with the 4th EC Inspection Delegation scheduled in October 2023.

The People's Committee of Duc Pho town strengthens the inspection and directs the People's Committee of Pho Thanh ward and relevant district's authorities to synchronously deploy solutions on grassroots mass mobilization to propagate and mobilize fishermen to comply with the law in fisheries activities.

The People's Committee of Duc Pho town assigns specific tasks to the grassroots level and local functional forces to monitor and supervise fishing vessels at high risk of violating the work against IUU fishing.



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